Neville Mix (Barry's Voice)

Neville Mix (Barry's Voice)

Neville Mix (Barry's Voice)

  • Catherine Mikhailov

  • 8 minute read


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Now you can listen to Barry's narrations FREE of charge, but we are kindly asking you to donate on the monthly basis, so we can keep this project going.

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** Recommending $10/month, just like AudioEnlightenment was.

Please don’t forget, we are PEOPLE and NOT service! All we did was took initiative to continue Barry’s work the best way we can. Of course, we cannot do what he did, but we are sure trying to keep his legacy alive!

Both me and Mia (Marianne) are going through emotional turmoil at this moment, because we just lost loved ones and you have no idea how much your little messages of kindness and LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ (on YouTube and letters) mean to us!

We have this channel and website because of Mia! She is a beautiful and gentle Soul, who will never ask for anything…

This is why I am asking you guys, from the bottom of my heart ❤️, to help her out during this difficult time. Besides your kind thoughts, you can also send LOVE in form financial or emotional support (letters, post cards, greeting cards) to the address below:


Marianne Peterson
Preserving Barry’s Legacy
13101 Lomas Blvd NE Unit 51415
Albuquerque, NM 87123


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If I don’t have a file or cannot post it for whatever reason, I will link a copy that someone else shared. This way we can eventually complete the library.


😊 Enjoy!



Most of our content is downloadable (unless it is hosted on YouTube) and all you have to do is click arrow down symbol on any video/audio. Bulk downloads will be available shortly.


Table of Contents


The Womb of the Universe

Twenty Seven Heavens


Free or Slave

He is Meditating Me The Rock

Imagination Creates Reality

Occupant or Inmate

What Does the Lord Require

Purified by the Death of Your Delusions

The Cabala

The Primal Wish

The Seven Eyes of GOD

The One Greater Than John

The Return of Jesus

The Shaping of the Unbegotten

 The Gospel According to Thomas

You Find Jesus in Yourself AS Yourself

Podcast - Sent to Disturb With Truth

Podcast - The Purpose of Life To Fulfill the Word of GOD

Podcast - Eternity in Mans Mind


Sample Text


We must go on to higher and higher levels, for that is the purpose of the teacher.


I would like to look tonight into what is, to my mind, the greatest book in the world, the Bible, and show you a section with which you may not be familiar.


It concerns the seven eyes of God, from the visions of Zechariah.


He saw a stone with seven facets, and the voice said, This is actually the seven eyes of God that reach over the entire world, for these seven eyes are really a man.


For man is the earth of God. So forget this little planet and know that man is the true earth in which God is plotted.


These are the seven visions of God, seven increasingly clarifying visions of the Creator.


The Bible names them, but you must look for them


It first appears only once in the Bible in Isaiah 14, Lucifer, the Morning Star.


and it tells how he has fallen and cut down to the ground, this shining bean.


All races have taught that man has fallen.


It is not something that belongs to the Christian or the Jewish faith, but all races have held this concept, so the first eye of God is Lucifer, cut down to the ground.


The second is Molek, the strange God that demands sacrifices, Jeremiah


32 One offers up his sons and daughters to appease this being he conceives to be God. But the voice said, I command them not, neither came it unto my mind, that they should do this abomination to cause Judah to sin.


This eye is in every man who thinks he has angered God and must make sacrifices to appease him.


All the wars of the world are an appeasement.


The inquisition with its tortures was an appeasement to God the wicker baskets in which men were burned alive or an appeasement.


They did it all to appease God that he might not be angry.


The third eye is Elohim, or God's, God's above and outside of man.


The elements he worshiped, the stars and planets he thinks can regulate his life and influence his behavior.


He turns to something outside of himself and it fails him, and he cries that he is forsaken.


The fourth is Shaddai, almighty In his eye man seeks security and comfort.


These are the governments, the mighty political machines, the rulers that man trust and all this fails him too.


And then he turns to the fifth eye of Patath, which means to dig a ditch or to snare animals dig a pit.


It does not mean the animals of the fours, no, it is man I bring into my little trap.


Much of the world functions like that today everywhere and every business, especially in the great advertising campaigns.


these people rule like tyrants over us.


Every paper, every magazine, every TV commercial has another method of trapping us into buying all of these things, so many things that we never get them paid for before we still have others.


And then the sixth eye is Jehovah, Yod, he, Vah, he, or I am.


Man finally grows out of the snaring process.


He does not now have to trap anyone in the world, but only boldly asserts himself.


Bold, inner persuasion will create the condition that I am persuaded of.


That is Jehovah the sixth eye.


The seventh is Jesus, or Jehovah saves, or rescue.


Where man boldly asserts himself, but his heart is torn for those still asleep, and he sacrifices for the others and gives himself for the whole vast world.


Not as the church teaches it, but as the mystic tells you.


You will take no matter who he is or what he has done, for he is only in a state.


You do not condemn anyone, but you lift him out of the state, and you do it by identifying the one you would save with the idea he wants to embody.


And to the degree that you are faithful to your vision of that person, he will embody his ideal and become it.


That is the eye called Jesus or the seventh eye.


There is an A-Thyme, only implied in the Bible, and it is veiled On the A-Th day they circumcise the child, and unveil the organ of creation.


There is an A-Thyme, and Blake names it.


He says, He did not come; he hid in Elbion's forest.


Elbion is Blake's name for universal man, a male or female.


This A-Thyme is hidden in Elbion's forest, in the dark convolution of the brain.


There this A-Thyme is hiding.


When you finally begin to exercise your imagination for another, and actually revel in the joy of others is to become the embodiment of what they desire, and you revel in that far beyond what you would for yourself, that is the eye of Jesus.


What begins to be the perfect scene of the Seventh Eye of God? Then something stirs, and it stirs exactly like something trying to get out of an egg.


It is something trying to break through Golgotha, and Golgotha is


the skull That is the meaning of the word.


But it is held by five nails, the five senses.


Barry’s Comment


It is extremely rare that you can find original recordings of any of the New Thought Teachers from the 40′s-50′s and beyond for the simple reason that the technology was not there or else people simply did not think about recording the lectures. 

Because of the length of time that Neville lectured technology began to emerge and people began to record many of his lectures. We have accumulated 129 lectures in his own voice that we have added.

With the 338 Original lectures that we recorded and the below that include 100 that are not included above, we have a total of 438 recorded lectures of Neville Goddard which is the largest compendium of Neville’s recorded lectures on the Internet. 

Some of the lectures are of a higher quality then others, here again because of the technology of the time.






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About Me


Hello, I am Catherine, but my friends call me Kat. Together with Milli (Kamil) we started recovering Barry's work as an emergency response to his YouTube channel being taken down. I didn't expect to do any of this, but just happens to be that I had all the videos and we took action.

Backup channel was started around Kamil's birthday and I was notified of it's take down the same day that he died. Talk about a double pain... I promised him (my sweet angel now) to rebuild channel and make it even better, so here we are. If you think that I am doing a great job, feel free to leave me a tip =) Click here.


