Volume 12 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series

Volume 12 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series

Volume 12 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series

  • Catherine Mikhailov

  • 12 minute read


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** Recommending $10/month, just like AudioEnlightenment was.

Please don’t forget, we are PEOPLE and NOT service! All we did was took initiative to continue Barry’s work the best way we can. Of course, we cannot do what he did, but we are sure trying to keep his legacy alive!

Both me and Mia (Marianne) are going through emotional turmoil at this moment, because we just lost loved ones and you have no idea how much your little messages of kindness and LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ (on YouTube and letters) mean to us!

We have this channel and website because of Mia! She is a beautiful and gentle Soul, who will never ask for anything…

This is why I am asking you guys, from the bottom of my heart ❤️, to help her out during this difficult time. Besides your kind thoughts, you can also send LOVE in form financial or emotional support (letters, post cards, greeting cards) to the address below:


Marianne Peterson
Preserving Barry’s Legacy
13101 Lomas Blvd NE Unit 51415
Albuquerque, NM 87123


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If I don’t have a file or cannot post it for whatever reason, I will link a copy that someone else shared. This way we can eventually complete the library.


😊 Enjoy!



Most of our content is downloadable (unless it is hosted on YouTube) and all you have to do is click arrow down symbol on any video/audio. Bulk downloads will be available shortly.


Table of Contents


This volume contains the following lectures: 

163. (Radio Lecture) Be What You Wish, Be What You Believe
164. (Radio Lecture) By Imagination We Become
165. (Radio Lecture) Answered Prayer

166. (Radio Lecture) Meditation
167. (Radio Lecture) The Law of Assumption
168. (Radio Lecture) Truth
169. Radio Lecture) Stone, Water or Wine?
170. (Radio Lecture) Feeling Is The Secret
171. (Radio Lecture) Affirm The Reality Of Our Own Greatness

322. Wonder Working Power
326. You Are A Cosmic Being
327. You Can Forgive Sin
328. You Can Never Outgrow I AM
329. You Dare To Assume
330. You Must Experience GOD
333. Your Husband
335. Your Maker
336. Your Supreme Dominion
337. Yours For The Taking
338. (1948 Lesson Series) Lesson 1 - Consciousness Is The Only Reality
339. (1948 Lesson Series), Lesson 2 - Assumptions Harden Into Fact
340. (1948 Lesson Series), Lesson 3 - Thinking Fourth Dimensionally
341. (1948 Lesson Series), Lesson 4 - No One To Change But Self
342. (1948 Lesson Series), Lesson 5 - Remain Faithful To Your Ideal
344. Question and Answers - 1970 Lecture Series


Sample Text


Yours for the Taking.


There is only one cause for the phenomena of life.


That cause is God. Howled in you, God is a person in the most literal sense of the word.


Believe me, for I know this from experience.


God, the only creator, is pure imagination working in the depth of your own soul.


God began a good work in you, and He will bring it to completion on a day God's creative powers unveiled in you.


God's creative power and wisdom is defined in Scripture's Christ.


When Christ unveils Himself in you, you will know you are God's power and God's wisdom.


God, your own wonderful human imagination, underlies all of your faculties, including perception, and streams into your surface mind, leaves the skies in the form of creative, productive fantasy.


When you ask yourself what you can do to transcend your present limitations of life, you are dwelling upon the means.


God does not ask you to consider the means, but to define the end.


Speaking to you through the medium of desire, God asks the question, what wantest thou of me?


Then he tells you not to be concerned with the ways and means for his ways are unsearchable.


They are inscrutable and past finding out this statement you will find in the 11th chapter of the book of Romans So don't be concerned as to how God will fulfill the end.


Only know that he will.


Can you believe your desires fulfilled?


Can you believe it is true?


If you can, it is yours for the taking for nothing is impossible to one who believes.


Now let me share with you three stories which came to me during the summer.


The first letter was for my friend Benny.


Entity told of lion prone on his bed face down when he felt as though someone grabbed his shoulders and as he was lifted up he heard the words,


Intuitively, he knew he had to make the decision now, as to whether he was going to believe that imagining creates reality or disbelieve it.


Scripture tells us, He who is not with me is against me.


There is no neutral ground, for I have not come to bring peace but a sword.


To set a man against his father and a daughter against his mother.


Why? Because a man's enemies are within him.


Everyone must eventually take the stand that imagining creates reality and swimmer sink with his concept.


Now a few days later, while in meditation, Benny felt himself being held from behind by three men.


As they raised him, he watched the sun rise and heard the words, Look, behold!




and he remembered a passage for my book, Your Faith is Your Fortune.


Recognition of this truth will transform you from one who tries to make it so into one who recognizes it to be so Soon after this, a friend asked Ben to pray for it.


He wanted to be the property manager of the company he worked for.


Although he had been passed by year after year, Benny told him what to do, and imagined hearing the friend tell him the job was now his.


A few months later the job was vacated, and his friend was given the position with an increase in salary and greater responsibility, just as he imagined.


What did Benny do, he imagined, to whom did he pray, to his own wonderful human imagination?


God, the creator of all life, is like pure imagining in you, underlying all of your faculties, including perception.


He streams into your surface mind, leads to skies in the form of productive fantasy.


Benny took a stand, he prayed for his friend, and believed his prayers answered.


He tested himself, and the windows of heaven opened and poured forth blessings for all to see.


Now Benny knows that with God all things are possible


is your mighty yourself, emptying himself.


God took on the form of a slave and is now found in the likeness of man.


Abdicating his power, pure imagination took upon himself the limitations of flesh, thereby becoming human.


It is God who weaves your every desire into cubic reality, waiting upon you effectively and swiftly, regardless of whether your desire is for evil or for good.


The one who conjures thoughts in the mind of a Hitler or Stalin is the same, powers the one conjuring thoughts in the mind of a pope or the archbishop of Canterbury.


There aren't two gods, there is only one.


The 14th and the 53rd chapters of the book of Psalms are identical, each telling us.


The fool says in his heart there is no God, but the Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of the many to see if there are any that act wise and seek the Lord.


Here we find that in the eyes of God wisdom is equated with seeking the Lord, and if God is all wise and all powerful than any search.


other than for God is stupid.


You may be the greatest mathematician or scientist, the most intelligent and honored man among them.


But if you search is not for God, you are stupid in his eyes.


Called upon to look for the cause of creation, what are you doing, losing yourself in the phenomenon of life?


When something happens, search your thoughts and you will discover your own wonderful human imagination to be the cause of your experience.


Because God is a person and the present time he is wearing a mask called Neville, but the one speaking you now knows himself to be the ancient of days.


Every being in the world is a mask worn by God for housed in man is man's imagination.


A thought acted upon is an imaginal act.


Think, imagine a horrible earthquake and God will give it to you.


Imagine, think of a war and God will provide that too.


Imagine peace and you will have it God will give you health, if you will, but imagine being healthy.


Imagine success and you'll have it.


The moment you think you are feeding your imagination, which is a person, I use the word person deliberately for you are a person.


You are the mask of God is now wearing, for God became you that you may become God. Now let me share another letter with you.


Last year, this lady living about 60 miles north of San Francisco was possessed with a desire to come to Los Angeles and attend my lecture, leaving word at her office.


She drove her car to San Francisco airport where she took a plane to Los Angeles.


There she was met by a friend and immediately came to the lecture.


After the lecture, she joined a group of four women and one man for coffee, where she expressed her hunger, having missed lunch and dinner that day.


The gentleman sitting beside her then said, I'd like to buy you a steak.


And as she looked into his face, she heard a voice within her say, This is your husband.


Now, this lady has been married in divorce four times.


So she had a specific desire for her husband, which she felt must be fulfilled.


She wanted to be happily married to a man who lived by his truth.


She wanted him to love and respect her as well as her seventeen-year-old son.


Having imagined such a man in September, she attended my meeting in October and married a gentleman she met here the following January.


The gentleman added his story to her letter saying, Having played with the idea of being married, I went to a pawn shop last September and purchased a plain gold band, which I placed on the third finger of my left hand.


Every day I wore the ring and every night I slept in the feeling of being happily married.


My friend thought he could not get the feeling of being married without a physical aid, but you don't need anything outside of your imagination to catch the moon.


Having been an alcoholic, this gentleman imagined his wife never mentioned his past For although he had not tasted alcohol for nine years, he had paid the price in a search for God. You see, the alcoholic is searching for truth.


thirsty he finds a false spirit in the form of alcohol, while those who will not touch it and criticize those who do haven't even started their search.


But I have news for them one day day too will know a hunger which will not be satisfied by bread.


They will know a thirst so great they will make the mistake of clothing in the form of a bottle, but because it will be a false thirst the thirst will remain.


Then they will discover the true hunger and the true thirst which is for the hearing of the word of God.


Now in the third letter a gentleman writes, having barred from the bank every month when I said in my payment I reduced the total amount of my record book.


Barry’s Comment


It is extremely rare that you can find original recordings of any of the New Thought Teachers from the 40′s-50′s and beyond for the simple reason that the technology was not there or else people simply did not think about recording the lectures. 

Because of the length of time that Neville lectured technology began to emerge and people began to record many of his lectures. We have accumulated 129 lectures in his own voice that we have added.

With the 338 Original lectures that we recorded and the below that include 100 that are not included above, we have a total of 438 recorded lectures of Neville Goddard which is the largest compendium of Neville’s recorded lectures on the Internet. 

Some of the lectures are of a higher quality then others, here again because of the technology of the time.






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About Me


Hello, I am Catherine, but my friends call me Kat. Together with Milli (Kamil) we started recovering Barry's work as an emergency response to his YouTube channel being taken down. I didn't expect to do any of this, but just happens to be that I had all the videos and we took action.

Backup channel was started around Kamil's birthday and I was notified of it's take down the same day that he died. Talk about a double pain... I promised him (my sweet angel now) to rebuild channel and make it even better, so here we are. If you think that I am doing a great job, feel free to leave me a tip =) Click here.


