Volume 6 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series

Volume 6 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series

Volume 6 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series

  • Catherine Mikhailov

  • 8 minute read


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** Recommending $10/month, just like AudioEnlightenment was.

Please don’t forget, we are PEOPLE and NOT service! All we did was took initiative to continue Barry’s work the best way we can. Of course, we cannot do what he did, but we are sure trying to keep his legacy alive!

Both me and Mia (Marianne) are going through emotional turmoil at this moment, because we just lost loved ones and you have no idea how much your little messages of kindness and LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ (on YouTube and letters) mean to us!

We have this channel and website because of Mia! She is a beautiful and gentle Soul, who will never ask for anything…

This is why I am asking you guys, from the bottom of my heart ❤️, to help her out during this difficult time. Besides your kind thoughts, you can also send LOVE in form financial or emotional support (letters, post cards, greeting cards) to the address below:


Marianne Peterson
Preserving Barry’s Legacy
13101 Lomas Blvd NE Unit 51415
Albuquerque, NM 87123


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If I don’t have a file or cannot post it for whatever reason, I will link a copy that someone else shared. This way we can eventually complete the library.


😊 Enjoy!



Most of our content is downloadable (unless it is hosted on YouTube) and all you have to do is click arrow down symbol on any video/audio. Bulk downloads will be available shortly.


Table of Contents


148. Order Your Conversations Aright
149. Paul’s Autobiography
150. Paul’s Prayer Interpreted
151. Perception
152. Persistent Assumption (March1968)
153. Persistent Assumption (June1968)
154. Power
155. Power and Wisdom
156. Power Called “The Law”
157. Predestined Glory
158. Pre Existence
159. Proof The Law Works
160. Prophetic Blueprints
161. Prophetic Sketches 1967
162. Prophetic Sketches 1968

172. Reconciliation
173. Redemption
174. Release Barabbas and Crucify Jesus
175. Revealed Truth
176. Revelation of Purpose
178. Salvation History
179. Salvation History Not Secular
180. Secret Of Imagination
181. Self in Self and Risen
182. Seedtime And Harvest 1956

269. The Pure In Heart


Sample Text


Secret of Imagination, I thought that this last week should be both practical and idealistic, so you will start on the practical side.


He said, Think not that I am come to abolish the law and the prophets.


I have come, not to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill them.


Matthew 5-17 Now, the one speaking and now present within you, when he awakes, you will hear these words.


You will find them to be your words.


That one is your own wonderful human imagination, that one is God. Imagination is the basis of all it is.


What is now proved to be, as far as we are concerned, was once only imagined.


Think of something in this world that is now to you real, that wasn't first imagined.


So the secret of imagining is the secret of God, and so, the secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which everyone should aspire.


Because supreme power, supreme wisdom, supreme delight, lie in the far off solution of this mystery.


From Douglas Fawcett, off of the Zermatt dialogues in Oberlin dialogues, I can acquaint you with it and then leave you to your choice and its risk.


Because everything in this world is created by this power.


He said, I kill and I make alive.


I wound and I heal, and there is none that can deliverout of my hand, Deuteronomy 32, 39.


I create the light and make a darknessI create woe and I make wheel.


I zea 45, seven.


I, even I am he, and there is none that can deliverout of my hand, Deuteronomy 32, 39.


That's your own wonderful human imagination.


Well, there are secrets to this powerand you and I might experiment.


We try to discover the secret.


As we discover the secret of imagining, we are discovering the secret of God. So God and imagination, the human imagination, in our synonymous terms, they are interchangeable


So when we read that, if we know that he hears us, and whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained that which we requested of him, 1 John 5, 15.


If we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, no restraint, now you may sit down and commune with him what you think to be another than yourself, but because there are billions of us in the world, and there's but one God in his fabulous universe, you might wonder if he hears you, but you have no doubts in your mind if you identify God with your own wonderful human imagination, that he does hear you.


Can you believe that your own wonderful human imagination is God? So when you sit down as told us in the fourth Psalm, commune with your own hearts upon your beds and be silent, Psalm 4-4.


He hears you if you commune with yourself, because you believe that commune with self was commune with God. Can you now assume that you are the one that you would like to be?


Can you assume the one that you love is as you would love to be or that you would like him to be?


Can you really believe you are answered?


I do not expect tonight that after a certain conception, the child will be born tomorrow.


The vision has its own appointed hour.


It ripens, it will flower.


If it be long, then wait, for it is sure, and it will not be late.


Habakkuk, two, three, Moffat's translation.


A little child takes nine months, a lamb five months, a chicken 21 days, the elephant so they tell me a year or more, a horse a year anyway.


So every conception has its own appointed hour, it ripens, it will flower If it seems to you long, then wait.


It is sure it will not be laid relative to its own nature.


So can I now commune and expect that my communion with self is communion with God? Can I dare to assume that I am exactly what I want to be?


Can I dare to assume that I am where I want to be, even though at the moment my reason denies it, my senses deny it, will it work?


Well, it costs you nothing, try it.


It doesn't cost one penny to try.


Barry’s Comment


It is extremely rare that you can find original recordings of any of the New Thought Teachers from the 40′s-50′s and beyond for the simple reason that the technology was not there or else people simply did not think about recording the lectures. 

Because of the length of time that Neville lectured technology began to emerge and people began to record many of his lectures. We have accumulated 129 lectures in his own voice that we have added.

With the 338 Original lectures that we recorded and the below that include 100 that are not included above, we have a total of 438 recorded lectures of Neville Goddard which is the largest compendium of Neville’s recorded lectures on the Internet. 

Some of the lectures are of a higher quality then others, here again because of the technology of the time.






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About Me


Hello, I am Catherine, but my friends call me Kat. Together with Milli (Kamil) we started recovering Barry's work as an emergency response to his YouTube channel being taken down. I didn't expect to do any of this, but just happens to be that I had all the videos and we took action.

Backup channel was started around Kamil's birthday and I was notified of it's take down the same day that he died. Talk about a double pain... I promised him (my sweet angel now) to rebuild channel and make it even better, so here we are. If you think that I am doing a great job, feel free to leave me a tip =) Click here.


