Volume 3 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series,

Volume 3 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series,

Volume 3 - Neville Goddard Lecture Series,

  • Catherine Mikhailov

  • 10 minute read


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Please don’t forget, we are PEOPLE and NOT service! All we did was took initiative to continue Barry’s work the best way we can. Of course, we cannot do what he did, but we are sure trying to keep his legacy alive!

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We have this channel and website because of Mia! She is a beautiful and gentle Soul, who will never ask for anything…

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Preserving Barry’s Legacy
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😊 Enjoy!



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Table of Contents


57. Esau and Jacob
58. Esau – Jacob – Israel
59. Eschatology-The Doctrine of the End
60. Eschatology-The Drama of the End
61. Eternal States
62. Eternity Within
64. Experience Scripture
65. Every Natural Effect
67. Faith
68. Faith, Hope and Love
69. Faith in GOD
70. Family Portrait
72. Feed My Sheep
73. Feel Deeply
74. Follow Me
75. Follow The Pattern
76. Four Fold Vision
78. Freedom
79. Fulfillment of GOD’s Plan
80. Fundamentals
81. Gathered One By One
82. Gifts Bestowed By GOD
83. GOD Became Man
84. GOD Given Talent
85. GOD is Light
86. GOD Only Acts


Sample Text


Eternity Within.


Tonight's subject is a mystery to be known only by revelation.


It is a secret that has been kept hidden from the beginning of time, where there is no mystery, where there is no end from the beginning, there is no challenge, no place for imagination, or any room for faith or hope But when it pleased God, in the fullest of time, to make it known to his apostles, those whom he called and incorporated in his own risen body, they are sent to tell the story of the gospel of God. The subject I have chosen for tonight is taken from the book of Ecclesiastics.


I have so many commentaries of this book at home, so many written interpretations by our biblical scholars, and they are so widely separated by their opinions.


Yet without this, the most disputed verse in the entire book that I have chosen tonight, in this world to despair.


The book starts with a statement.


vanity of vanities, all as vanity.


There is nothing new under the sun.


Which, by the way, modern science is confirmed.


They are now telling us that the entire space-time history of the world is laid out, and we only become aware of increasing portion of it successfully.


If there is a thing of which it is said, see this is new.


It has been already in ages past, but there is no remembrance of former things, nor shall there be any remembrance of things to come later among those who will come after.


Then he takes all of the opposites in the world saying, There is a time to be born and a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to cry, a time to mourn and a time to dance.


He goes through all of the opposites that you and I pass through, one after the other.


A few of them are obvious, certainly we are born and we die, and what man hasn't laughed and what man hasn't cried, so we can see all these parts.


But there is one little verse in the third chapter of Ecclesiastics that is the most disputed of the entire book.


Here is the verse, He has made everything perfect in its time.


He has put eternity in man's mind, yet so that man cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.


The interpretation of this verse is determined by the meaning that the scholar gives to the word eternity.


I haven't read one interpretation where they went deep enough.


The word is translated eternity in the revised standard edition, which I have quoted It is translated asthe world in the King James version, but if you go back to the root of the wordolum, you will discover that it meansa lad, a young man, a stripy and a youth.


This makes no sense to the average person, and the scholar would ignore it completely.


You could come to the conclusion that all things are in the human imagination, and that the imagination is capable of containing the imagining of space.


Your dreams reveal at you, for when you awake, where did they happen?


I have seen the stars, the moons, and the sun in my dreams.


The modern wise man will tell me it was just a dream, and all in my imagination.


But I have seen people just as clear as I am seeing you now, and we converse all in my imagination, so I will go along with the modern wise man and at respect.


But when I awake and things seem to be objective independent of my imagination, was the other unreal.


Not according to the book of Ecclesiastics, it is telling you that everything is in your imagination, that your imagination is forever manifesting itself in the imagination of men.


This I do know, by simply assuming I am the man I would like to be and mentally acting in harmony with my assumption, I have aided the birth of my desires and brought them to pass.


I have played the game of assumption time and time again, and it has never failed me.


When someone asks something of me, I simply assume they have what they want, then whatever needs to take place in the world will take place and bring it to pass.


But where did the desires fulfillment originate, but in my imagination?


But if this is no escape from a world of recurrence.


What would it matter if you could perform miracles, be worshiped by all and process the world if in the end you would say, vanity of vanities, all is vanity.


But colith, the preacher, meant something far deeper than that.


It is marvelous to know that the whole drama of life is taking place in your imagination.


That you have the choice of life and death, good and evil, blessing and cursing.


That you can by assumption have a rich and wonderful life where everything is a blessing.


But if in the end when you close your eyes for the last time, you realize it was all vanity.


Would you not question what did it matter?


This is what cold is summing up.


He is telling us that there is something greater and to wait for the fullness of time.




No one knows, not even the son, only the father.


But in the fullness of time, that which was placed in the mind of man will be revealed.


Now let me repeat it.


He put eternity into man's mind, yet so that man cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.


That which God put into the mind of men is a land, an eternal youth, who is His only begotten son.


Now let me unfold it for you, for I speak from experience.


I am not theorizing or speculating.


I am telling you what I know from experience.


And the truth that one knows from experience, he knows more thoroughly than he knows anything else in the world.


Or that he can know the same truth in any other way.


I share with you this night the truth that I know from experience One day you will experience it, but tonight you will hear it through the secondary revelation of the year.


For I will tell you what I have experienced concerning this wonderful eleventh verse of the third chapter of Ecclesiastics.


Here is a story.


God has put His only begotten Son into your mind, for it is God's purpose to give you Himself.


You will never know an eternity that God accomplishes His purpose unless God's Son sees Him and calls Him Father And when God's only begotten Son calls you Father, there will be no uncertainty.


Barry’s Comment


It is extremely rare that you can find original recordings of any of the New Thought Teachers from the 40′s-50′s and beyond for the simple reason that the technology was not there or else people simply did not think about recording the lectures. 

Because of the length of time that Neville lectured technology began to emerge and people began to record many of his lectures. We have accumulated 129 lectures in his own voice that we have added.

With the 338 Original lectures that we recorded and the below that include 100 that are not included above, we have a total of 438 recorded lectures of Neville Goddard which is the largest compendium of Neville’s recorded lectures on the Internet. 

Some of the lectures are of a higher quality then others, here again because of the technology of the time.






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About Me


Hello, I am Catherine, but my friends call me Kat. Together with Milli (Kamil) we started recovering Barry's work as an emergency response to his YouTube channel being taken down. I didn't expect to do any of this, but just happens to be that I had all the videos and we took action.

Backup channel was started around Kamil's birthday and I was notified of it's take down the same day that he died. Talk about a double pain... I promised him (my sweet angel now) to rebuild channel and make it even better, so here we are. If you think that I am doing a great job, feel free to leave me a tip =) Click here.


