Q & A - The Way of Mastery (from ALL books)

Q & A - The Way of Mastery (from ALL books)

Q & A - The Way of Mastery (from ALL books)

  • Catherine Mikhailov

  • 5 minute read


Join our mission in preserving Barry’s Legacy!

Now you can listen to Barry's narrations FREE of charge, but we are kindly asking you to donate on the monthly basis, so we can keep this project going.

💜 Donate on GoFundMe

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** Recommending $10/month, just like AudioEnlightenment was.

Please don’t forget, we are PEOPLE and NOT service! All we did was took initiative to continue Barry’s work the best way we can. Of course, we cannot do what he did, but we are sure trying to keep his legacy alive!

Both me and Mia (Marianne) are going through emotional turmoil at this moment, because we just lost loved ones and you have no idea how much your little messages of kindness and LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ (on YouTube and letters) mean to us!

We have this channel and website because of Mia! She is a beautiful and gentle Soul, who will never ask for anything…

This is why I am asking you guys, from the bottom of my heart ❤️, to help her out during this difficult time. Besides your kind thoughts, you can also send LOVE in form financial or emotional support (letters, post cards, greeting cards) to the address below:


Marianne Peterson
Preserving Barry’s Legacy
13101 Lomas Blvd NE Unit 51415
Albuquerque, NM 87123


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If video or audio doesn't start automatically, press PLAY button again! For transcript videos, please WAIT a second or two for the text to load.

If I don’t have a file or cannot post it for whatever reason, I will link a copy that someone else shared. This way we can eventually complete the library.


😊 Enjoy!



Most of our content is downloadable (unless it is hosted on YouTube) and all you have to do is click arrow down symbol on any video/audio. Bulk downloads will be available shortly.


Table of Contents


The Way of the Heart

1. What Motivates You?
 - What is the role of sexuality in spiritual evolution?
 - What is required for physical healing?
4. About fasting for 40 days and nights
 - Please comment on Mary
6. How to integrate breathwork with ACIM?
 - Is there a need to work with the Dark Side?
 - About ego habits
7. About being a servant of God
 - About twin flames and soul mates
 - How to bring awareness to unconscious blocks
 - Using discipline and self-control to end strong attachments
 - About Christian Pentecostal and the New Age movement
8. About the Holy Spirit
 - About healing
9. About self forgiveness
10. About Astrology
 - About the symbology of the Cross
 - About Initiations
11. What is our responsibility to the poor?
 - How can we help the poor?
 - How to teach a young child about peace and love?
12. Why did you say, 'Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?'
 - Please speak about Mary Magdalene?
 - Please speak about St. Germain

The Way of Transformation

 13. Who are the other Masters occasionally mentioned?
 - What is the difference between judgment and discernment?
18. About vulnerability
 - What was the message of the Cross?
19. Please talk about Enlightenment
21. About guidance
 - All events are neutral
 - About Christ Consciousness and Individuality
 - About not being in denial of the shadow
22. Do you have our own unique purpose?
 - About The Lineage
 - About specialness, holiness, and sexuality

The Way of Knowing

26. Please define knowledge or knowing
 - How best to be with glee clubs and attack?
27. About love of self and others
 - About guidance of the Holy Spirit
28. What are the Great Rays of Light mentioned in ACIM?
 - Does everyone have a unique essence?
30. What is the difference between Joy and Pleasure?
 - About Shanti Christo
34. About Bible Codes
- Please talk about the free will of children

The Early Years

 About asking unclear questions.
 How to develop greater clarity.
 What is it like living as Christ?
 About Shanti Christo membership
 What is the symbolism of Crucifixion?
 How do I know when I have surrendered to the Holy Spirit?
 What is my role in bringing Heaven to Earth?
 Is Christ different from Jeshua?
 Please speak of non-physical reality.
 Profound Time of Year
 Living in Community
 Co-creating Christ
 Please elaborate on two quotes from ACIM
 About war and racial tension
 About physical Earth changes
 About the role of Shanti Christo
 Are we going to experience 3 days of darkness?
 What is the difference between Jeshua and Germaine?
 About being unaware of your death
 About going through the tunnel at death
 Is God self-aware?
 Is there a force outside of God?
 About Shanti Christo






Jon Marc Hammer




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About Me


Hello, I am Catherine, but my friends call me Kat. Together with Milli (Kamil) we started recovering Barry's work as an emergency response to his YouTube channel being taken down. I didn't expect to do any of this, but just happens to be that I had all the videos and we took action.

Backup channel was started around Kamil's birthday and I was notified of it's take down the same day that he died. Talk about a double pain... I promised him (my sweet angel now) to rebuild channel and make it even better, so here we are. If you think that I am doing a great job, feel free to leave me a tip =) Click here.


