Hello Everybody!
I just want you to meet another beautiful Soul who passed away on March 10, 2024 (which was exactly same day that I got a news that my newly build channel will be taken down). His name is Kamil. He was 29 years old.
He was a love of my life and my twin spirit. He came into my life only 6 months ago, which was exactly the same time when Barry’s channel was taken down. Couple of days after that, was his birthday and in few days I decided to start this backup channel.
Coincidence? Not sure about that.
Together, we started to come up with tools that people could use for spiritual growth. Under our mutual name KamilKatiowa, we created a series of postcards (or posters, etc), that we thought were very useful. Click here to see.
We really did not expect other people to join in, but a lot of different donations from artists came in and we decided to put their work on all kinds of stuff as well.
He also insisted that I get into metal etching and after his persistence paid off (this was over my head and I wasn’t listening), the series of wallet cards from “The Impersonal Life” by Joseph Benner was created:
This is still work in progress and cards are being “made-on-demand” by third party company, but they are good quality and very enjoyable to have around. I put one of them on my keyboard at work.
Our channel survived whole 6 months and this is exactly how much time I got to spend with this wonderful human being. Now, I will try to rebuild the channel and at the same time upload as much as I can here on this website.
If you see a symbol on your video that looks like this:
It means that video is downloadable because it is hosted on our server.
I am just a regular (working) person who decided to respond to an emergency when Barry’s channel was taken down. Now my channel will be taken down.
I will do my best to bring it back ASAP, but by myself I can only do so much (on the last channel I uploaded about 4k videos). Not to mention that my dear Kamil is not here anymore to help me out.
He had difficult life, but he has wonderful friends! Unfortunately, we are all simple individuals working as secretaries and waiters. Besides the emotional part, the financial part is over our head now!
My bills are ONGOING (monthly) and the only way I can keep up with them is if you guys help me out. I started a donation fund for this purpose, with main objective to build a Spiritual Community, where we could exchange knowledge and listen to Barry’s mp3’s.
I believe that what Barry really wants is a way for everybody to download what they need and this is what I am trying to create. Now, as I am thinking about it, there really is NO other way to make sure that none of this ever gets lost…
Here is a link if you would like lend me a helping hand (I prefer not to ask dear Mia for money again):
Thank you everybody who helped us with a funeral! It means a lot to have real-life friends ❤️❤️❤️ when tragedy hits…
Blessings and peace. We are not going to quit now, right???
Catherine – KamilKatiowa (my angel & me)